IKioWareHost Interface

Subclass of IKioWareHost2. An interface that defines the KioWare functionality that is available to an addin.


Type Signature
IHostVersionInfo getVersionInfo()
Gets IHostVersionInfo instance that can be used to identify the current KioWare instance and the KioWareAddinLib instance.
Context getApplicationContext()
Gets the application Context of the currently running KioWare instance.
IThreadMarshaller threading()
Gets an IThreadMarshaller instance that can be used to run tasks on KioWare's UI thread or a KioWare managed background thread.
boolean getSessionActive()
Can be used to check if there is currently an active KioWare session.
void setSessionActive(boolean value)
Can be used to start a new session, keep the current session active, or end the current session.
void showToastMessage(CharSequence text, boolean longDuration)
Can be used to show a Toast message.
boolean kioAppLog(String groupName, String msg)
Starts an app logging group instance.
boolean kioAppLogData(String name, String val)
Log a name-value pair.
IBrowserFunctions browser()
Gets an IBrowserFunctions instance that can be used to control KioWare's web browsers.