KioBrowser Class


Type Signature
void goBack()
Navigates the active browser back
void goForward()
Navigates the active browser forward
bool canGoBack()
Determines if the active browser can go back
bool canGoForward()
Determines if the active browser can go forward
void goHome()
Navigates the browser back to the start page
void find(string, bool)
Searches the page for the next occurrence of a specified text value
double getZoom()
Gets the zoom level of the active browser as a percent
void setZoom(double)
Sets the zoom level of the active browser as a percent
void reload()
Reloads the active browser page
void stopLoad()
Stops loading the active browser
void focus()
Puts input focus on the active browser
int setDockedElementsVisible(bool, string, ElementType)
Controls the visibility of docked elements such as toolbars and docked browsers
void messageBox(string, string, int)
Shows a message to the user in a centered window
void injectJavaScript(string)
Injects JavaScript into the current browser, or the main browser if called from a toolbar
string getUrl()
Gets the current URL of the browser
void loadUrl(string)
Navigates to the specified URL
void print()
Prints the current browser's page without prompting, using the default printer

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