KioWiFi Class

This class supports dynamically modifying WIFI connections. Available WiFi networks can be enumerated, connected to, or disconnected from. Profiles can be created, deleted, or enumerated.


Type Signature
bool Connect(string, string, string)
Connects to the network with the specified SSID (network name) on the specified interface with the specified key.
bool DeleteWlanProfile(string, string)
Deletes the saved WLAN profile with the specified name on the specified interface.
bool Disconnect(string)
Disconnects a wifi interface.
WifiNetworkInterface[] GetInterfaces()
Retrieves a list of all active WiFi interfaces.
bool Scan(string)
Retrieves a list of all visible networks for a specified interface.
ProfileInfo[] GetWlanProfiles(string)
Retrieves a list of all WLAN profiles that have been created on this computer.

Page Callbacks

Type Signature
Callback OnWiFiScanCompleted(WiFiScanResult)
This callback is fired whenever a scan of nearby WiFi networks has been completed.
Callback OnConnectionRequestCompleted(WiFiConnectionChangedResult)
This callback is fired whenever a request to connect or disconnect from a WiFi network has been completed.

Type Signature
Enum WifiConnectionOperation
A list of WiFi operations that a result could apply to.
Enum WlanProfileFlags
A list of WLAN profile flags.
Class WiFiConnectionChangedResult
An object that contains information about the result of a request to connect or disconnect from a WiFi network.
Class WifiNetwork
An object that contains information about an active WiFi network that has been discovered.
Class WifiNetworkInterface
An object that contains information about an available network interface on the system.
Class WiFiScanResult
An object that contains information about visible networks that were detected during a scan request.
Class WiFiProfileInfo
An object that contains information about a saved Wifi profile.