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*There may be a delay of up to 5 business days for KioCloud to reflect the latest update.
The existing KioWare Server user interface has been updated with new colors, styles, and layouts to improve the customer experience.
Server commands can now be pushed to Android devices in real time. This feature makes use of Google Play Services for push communication.
Server Email Notification provides users the option to send an automated email when new kiosks are created on the server.
This update allows KioWare Server users to identify kiosks by name rather than IP address. This option is only available using a Local Area Network.
Support is now available in the console for disabling user password changes.
Modify the multi-kiosk delete page to allow easily deleting those without heartbeats.
If your computer is connected to the Internet, you can download the latest dialog/window blocking list.
Shows the history of each kiosk in the project, including updates to kiosk name, project name, unit name, and revisions for current and download releases. Changes appear in red.
Provides a module that can be incorporated into a KioWare Server Add-On application to authenticate to Active Directory and provide a user token, rather than the console doing the authentication against the KioWare Server database.
Support has been added for the following drivers:
Custom application logs can be uploaded to KioWare Server and queried using the KioWare Server Console.
All server communication uses a smaller and more efficient XML format. Much less bandwidth is required, so communication occurs quicker and bogs down networks and servers less.
Zip files can now be downloaded to the KioWare client and automatically unzipped.
KioWare Server can now change the kiosk status when the total runtime on kiosk hardware components reaches a defined limit.
KioWare Server can be configured to not issue missed heartbeat alerts when a kiosk is known to be powered down.
A new report that displays a list of all kiosks and their session and page count for a specified date range.
A report that provides a snapshot of how many kiosks are actively communicating with KioWare Server.
Support for MySQL MyODBC 5.1 ODBC driver
By default, if KioWare Server notes that a kiosk is several revisions out of date, then the content updating will contain all old revisions. Now, there is an option to tell KioWare Server to only send the more recent revision.
From KioWare Server Console, the time interval that kiosks check for new server commands can be specified and set to as short as 1 minute intervals.
To minimize bandwidth, the XML format used by KioWare to communicate with KioWare Server has been substantially reduced. This will be especially useful for cellular communications with fixed bandwidth limits and enterprise deployments.
A new KioWare Server Command has been added that tells KioWare to take a screen snapshot and send the image to KioWare Server.
During KioWare Server Content Updating, if a file's download is interrupted, then the download will resume from the point of interruption rather than needing to re-download the entire file again.
Previously Server commands, which tell the kiosk to complete a task from a batch file, were set from a fixed menu list, which included shut down kiosk, reboot, and restart KioWare. Now you can create custom commands in addition to the fixed list. For example, you could create a Server command to tell the kiosk to run its virus software.
You now have the ability to add categories in the Usage Stats reports. This enables you to view only the pages or domains listed in that category, instead of all pages or domains viewed by your users. For example, if you want to view only the usage reports for a rewards program you may be running, you can set those pages or domains as a particular category.
This feature allows you to add notes to the different levels of your kiosk project (including Site, Group, Kiosk and Project). Prior to this, notes were only available at the kiosk level. But now if you want to make a note that pertains to a group of kiosks located at a particular store number or in the west wing of your building, you can.
We have expanded our capabilities to use multiple remote management software within the same kiosk site. For example you can use Log Me In and VNC within the same site, so that if you prefer one to the other in some of the kiosk locations or are fazing one out, KioWare won’t hinder you from using either.
Email notifications/status/alert configuration is now scalable to the project, group, and site level.
Offering access to more virtual and physical memory, 64-bit processors are quickly becoming the standard; KioWare now supports this server platform.
Added graphical reports for usage and heartbeat reporting
Added ability to export report data to a CSV file
Ability for a user to create a journal of comments for each kiosk. User has the option for comments to be public to all users who have access to that kiosk, or be private only to that user.
New feature that will automatically delete different classes of data at specified timer intervals. For example, event logs older than six months can be automatically deleted.
Ability to create a list of files, including their checksums, on a kiosk that KioWare will check to make sure the file exists and isn't corrupt.
It is very easy to limit what your users can log on and see. Completely flexible user accounts, roles and permissions control user abilities at a functional level.
Simplified client content updating procedures that include application files, KioWare updates and OS updates. To support cellular networks, content transfer now checks for file truncation and corruption errors.
Ability to reboot or shutdown the computer, as well as restart KioWare remotely from the KioWare Server Console.
This feature enables ad hoc grouping, meaning kiosk projects can be sorted into groups beyond the project level. Groups can contain other groups, projects or individual kiosks. For instance, a company may have its kiosk projects organized by territories for easy categorization. With ad hoc grouping, a company can also sort those same projects by an unlimited number of groups, such as high performing versus low performing stores or urban versus suburban stores, and then push out different content based on those groups. This way, the company can easily display a different promotion to urban stores than suburban stores.
The addition of ad hoc data structures is useful for storing custom data about each kiosk (ex, hardware, location, contact info), which can be imported from a spreadsheet.
Addition of ad hoc data structures useful for storing custom data about each kiosk (ex, hardware, location, contact info). Data can be imported from a spreadsheet.
Added infrastructure to support 3rd party add-ins, such as our first add-in: a mapping module that enables the overlay of kiosk status onto a variety of maps.
The KioWare Server API is now available for 3rd party developers to create new add-ins, or for clients to create their own branded version of KioWare Server
KioWare Server ASP is designed to support enterprise and Application Service Providers (ASP) installations. KioWare Server ASP provides for an additional Site data layer that enables kiosks to be organized at a higher level than in regular KioWare Server.
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