New Kiosk Accessibility Features Added
Analytical Design Solutions Inc. (ADSI) has released a new version of their KioWare for Windows kiosk software, with new assistive technologies for improved accessibility.
KioWare kiosk software products lock down your device into kiosk mode, which secures the overall operating system, home screen and usage of applications.
Version 8.7 of KioWare for Windows (Lite, Basic, & Full with Server) has added JAWS® (Job Access With Speech) screen reader technology support to allow blind and visually impaired users to read and interact with the kiosk screen. Screen Reader support configuration settings can be found in the KioWare Config Tool’s new Assistive Technologies tab. Support for the ZoomText® Magnifier/Reader has also been added. ZoomText is a fully integrated magnification and screen reading program. Also found in the new Assistive Technology tab is support for the EZ® Access Keypad, software navigation keypads for people with mobility or sensory impairments. These features, now available in KioWare Lite, KioWare Basic, & KioWare Full for Windows, combine to help make your kiosk compliant with Section 508 and ADA regulations. These assistive technology applications must be purchased separately.
KioWare Basic and KioWare Full for Windows Version 8.7 has added a number of new supported devices and supported device types:
Raw Windows Printer device support
- Zebra TTP2030
- Zebra KR403
- Zebra KR203
- Any printer that installs a Windows driver
Monitored devices
- PJL Printer Monitoring Support
Barcode Readers supporting SNAPI
- Symbol
- Motorola
- Zebra
- OTI Trio device support providing EMV support through Elavon
- Fujitsu F53 Bill Dispenser
- CashCode Bill Acceptors
- MEI Bill Acceptors
- MEI BNR (Bank Note Recycler)
KioWare for Windows (Lite, Basic, & Full) now requires Windows 7 or higher. With version 8.7, Vista will no longer be supported. The browser is now updated to Chrome 52. Additional features for Lite, Basic, & Full include:
- Ability to use “Scheduled Actions” settings to execute a command line
- Support for mapping key combinations to actions (HotKeys)
- Addin support for handling downloads
- Context (right click) menu customization and support
New attract screen mode (simple attract looper) features
- Default screen delay
- Attract screen transition style options
- Transition time customization
- Ability to add displays.
Support must be current to upgrade.
For a full description of features added for this and other version of the KioWare product line, visit
All of these products are available as a free trial with nag screen at Existing clients have the ability to upgrade at
KioWare has been providing OS, desktop, and browser lockdown security for the kiosk and self-service industry since 2001.
Watch the video version of this update/release here.