KioWare Version 6.7 Released
Versions 6.7 KioWare Lite and KioWare Kiosk Basic kiosk software have been released. KioWare Server Version 4.6.2 has also been released.
KioWare Lite 6.7 features include:
IE9 Browser Support
Support for Internet Explorer version 9 has been tested and confirmed
Additional KioWare Kiosk Basic 6.7 features include:
Customizable HTML Phone Dialer Keypad
Similar to KioWare's virtual keyboard, the phone dialer keypad is now HTML, which can be customized as necessary for your application.
New device support for:
- CashCode Cash Acceptor
- Vendapin Card Dispenser
- Puloon ECDM Cash Dispenser
- Magtek MagneSage encrypted MSR
- Magtek Check Reader
- LG CDM1000 Bill Dispenser
New VOIP Scripting Commands
New scripting commands now provide the ability to dial VOIP telephone calls.
Additional KioWare Server 4.6.2 features include:
Ability to Ignore Old Revisions in Content Updating
By default, if KioWare Server notes that a kiosk is several revisions out of date, then the content updating will contain all old revisions. Now, there is an option to tell KioWare Server to only send the more recent revision.
KioWare Server Controlled Command Schedule
From the KioWare Server Console, the time interval that kiosks check for new server commands can be specified and set to as short as 1 minute intervals.
New Bandwidth Reducing XML Communication Format
To minimize bandwidth, the XML format used by KioWare to communicate with KioWare Server has been substantially reduced. This will be especially useful for cellular communications with fixed bandwidth limits and enterprise deployments.
New Screen Capture Server Command
A new KioWare Server Command has been added that tells KioWare to take a screen snapshot and send the image to KioWare Server.
Resume Download for Content Updating
During KioWare Server Content Updating, if a file's download is interrupted, then the download will resume from the point of interruption rather than needing to re-download the entire file again.