New Version of KioWare Server ships
Version 4.1 of KioWare Server has been released. New KioWare Server features include:
Kiosk File Audit Feature
Ability to create a list of files, including their checksums, on a kiosk that KioWare will check to make sure the file exists and isn't corrupt.
Report Graphing
Added graphical reports for usage and heartbeat reporting.
CSV Exporting from Reports
Added ability to export report data to a CSV file.
User Journal Feature
Ability for a user to create a journal of comments for each kiosk. User has the option for comments to be public to all users who have access to that kiosk, or be private only to that user.
Automated Database Administration Tools
New feature that will automatically delete different classes of data at specified timer intervals. For example, event logs older than six months can be automatically deleted.