Enum ContentUpdateStates

Progress states for a content update.


Name Description
-1 Unknown
The current state is not available.
0 Idle
A content update is not in progress.
1 GetFileList
KioWare is fetching the file list.
2 DownloadFiles
KioWare is downloading the files.
3 WaitForUserIdle
Idle. The files have been downloaded, and KioWare is waiting for a session to end.
4 DeleteFiles
Files marked for deletion are being deleted.
5 CopyFiles
Files marked for copying are being copied.
6 MergeFiles
Files marked for merging are being merged.
7 RegisterFiles
Files marked for registering are being registered.
8 ExecuteFiles
Files marked for execution are queued for execution.
9 ServiceExecuteFiles
Files marked for execution are queued for execution by the KioWare Service.
10 CleanupTemp
Temporary files are being cleaned up.
11 CallUpdateComplete
The client notifies callers that the update is complete.
12 Restarting
KioWare is restarting.
13 Failed
The content update was unsuccessful.
14 Cancelled
The content update was cancelled from the server.
15 Aborted
The content update was cancelled from the client.