void StartKeyboard(string, string, string, bool, string, string)

Runs the configured virtual keyboard


Trust Level Required: Medium Trust


Name Description
url (Optional) string
URL to override the default. Pass in empty string if you're depending upon elTagName/elType to show the proper keyboard. Defaults to "" .
elTagName (Optional) string
Associate the keyboard with a certain element tag name in order to control which keyboard shows. Defaults to "" .
elType (Optional) string
Associate the keyboard with a certain input element type attribute in order to control which keyboard shows. Defaults to "" .
keepUpIfEl (Optional) bool
Pass in true to override the default behavior of closing the keyboard when the current element loses focus. Passing in true here is ONLY useful if you're using elTagName/elType. Note that the keyboard may stay up regardless if Auto-Show is not checked in the Config Tool. Defaults to false.
elId (Optional) string
Element id attribute. Defaults to "" .
elName (Optional) string
Element name attribute. Defaults to "" .




There are several different type attributes available. KioWare may not recognize every attribute causing the alpha keyboard when a numerical keyboard is desired or vice-versa. This function can be used to force a specified html keyboard to display based on certain attributes.


var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for(let input of inputs)
	if(input.type == "datetime-local") 
		input.onclick = function(){ KioApp.StartKeyboard("", "", "number", false, "", "") }


KioWare for Windows version 8.1 or greater.