bool SetInstallationOffset(OffsetType, bool, double, string)

Set a calibration offset value to automatically add or subtract from the raw sensor data.


Trust Level Required: Full Trust


Name Description
offsetType OffsetType
The calibration offset type
enable bool
True to enable the offset for the given type, false to disable.
value (Optional) double
The offset value to add or subtract from the raw sensor data.
devName (Optional) string
The name of the device. If not supplied, the first matching configured device of this type will be used


True in the event that the given values were set succesfully. False otherwise.



function setInstallOffset() {
	var offsetType = document.getElementById('offsetType').selectedIndex;
	var enable = document.getElementById('offsetEnable').checked;
	var value = parseInt(document.getElementById('offsetValue').value);
	if (isNaN(value)) value = -1;
	alert('Success: ' + KioOmronEnviroSensor.SetInstallationOffset(offsetType, enable, value));


KioWare for Windows version 8.16 or greater.