KioSIP Object

The JavaScript interface for SIP integration within the KioWare web browser.


Type Signature
void register(String registerSettings)
Attempts to connect and register with the configured SIP server.
void unregister()
Disconnects from the SIP server.
boolean isRegistered()
Checks registration status with the SIP server.
boolean isInCall()
Checks to see if a call is currently active.
void makeCall(String address, int ringSecs)
Starts a call.
void endCall()
Ends the active call.
void endAllCalls()
Ends all active and inactive calls.
boolean isHolding()
Checks for calls in an inactive (holding) status.
String holdCall()
Puts the current call on hold and returns its call id.
void resumeCall(String callId)
Switches to a call on hold.
void mute(boolean shouldMute)
Mutes or unmutes the input (microphone).
void setAudioMode(int mode)
Specifies which output device to use (speaker).
void sendDTMF(int dtmfCode)
Sends a DTMF code.

Page Callbacks

Type Signature
void onSIPRegister(int errCode, String reason)
Called when the SIP settings are registered.
void onSIPUnregister()
Called after SIP settings are unregistered.
void onSIPCallEstablished()
Called when a connection is established.
void onSIPCallEnded(String callId, int errCode, String reason)
Called when an active call disconnects.