KioWareMifareClassic Object

Most Mifare classic functions are supported via JavaScript as documented in the Android MifareClassic documentation. The functions documented there are the same except that you need to pass in the tag as the first parameter. The Mifare Classic functions are extensions of the NFC base functions, so the base functions should be used to verify tag information BEFORE calling any Mifare functions. All operations are performed on the current tag, therefore calling clearTag will cause these functions to fail. Exceptions are generally pushed through, and any errors will cause JavaScript errors to occur (so use try/catch blocks as needed). When referring to the Android documentation for function signatures, keep in mind that KioWare can only pass primitive types (and strings) via JavaScript. Any arrays or non-primitives should be treated as JSON strings.


Type Signature
string getDefaultKey(int keyid)
Gets a JSON string of byte[] with default Mifare auth keys provided by the Android API.