KWCamera Object

This namespace enables use of the tablet's camera.


Type Signature
int getNumberOfCameras()
This function can be used to indicate the number of cameras available on the tablet.
string getCameraInfo(int id)
This function can be used to return an object with the camera's information.
void start()
This function can be used to display the camera with the settings in the Configuration Tool.
void start(int index, bool showExitButton, bool showSwitchButton, bool showCaptureButton, bool showCountdownButton, int delaySeconds, bool showPreview, bool saveToFile)
This function can be used to display the camera with specific settings.
void startVideo()
Starts a video recording using preconfigured settings.
void startVideo(int, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, bool, int)
Starts a video recording with specific settings.
void stop()
This function can be used to stop (close) the camera if it is currently displayed.
void startCountdown()
This function can be used to start the camera's countdown timer using the default setting (or the last countdown timer used).
void startCountdown(int delay)
This function can be used to start the camera's countdown timer using a specified delay.
void stopCountdown()
This function can be used to stop the camera's countdown timer.
bool isShowing()
This function can be used to indicate if the camera is currently displayed.

Page Callbacks

Type Signature
void onCameraCapture(string base64, string filepath)
When a camera captures an image, this function call will be sent to the browser.