KioWareUtils Object


Type Signature
bool runAppByLabel(string label)
Runs an application by the label name as seen in the Android app listing of your tablet.
boolean runAppByPackageName(String)
Runs an application by its package name.
string getAppIconByLabel(string label)
Attempts to get the icon image of an app.
String getAppIconByPackageName(String)
Attempts to get the icon image of an app.
String getAppLabelByPackageName(String)
Attempts to get the label of an app.
string getAppVersionInfoByLabel(string)
Retrieves version information for an application.
string getAppVersionInfoByPackage(string)
Retrieves version information for an application.
string getDeviceInfo()
Retrieves information for the device that KioWare is running on.
string getHeartbeatData()
Retrieves information for the current heartbeat.
string getLicenseInfo()
Retrieves licensing information for the device that KioWare is running on.
void setDesktopModeEnabled(bool enable)
Toggles which user agent string KioWare for Android sends to websites.
string getBuildDetails()
Used to identify the build/SVN information of KioWare.
string getKioProperty(string)
Returns a value for a specified property in KioWare.
void endSession()
This function can be used to end the current session.
void setUserPresent(bool present)
This function allows setUserPresent to be manually set to true or false when receiving data.
void writeLogEntry(string url, string title)
Ends the previous page and logs a new entry to KioWare Server.
string getLastErrorDetails()
Gets error details as a JSON formatted string.
bool isUrlBlocked(string url)
Used to test a URL against the browser access control list.
string getLastBlockedUrl()
Gets the last URL that was blocked by the browsing access list.
void requestFavicon(string)
Requests that KioWare retrieve the favicon from the server.
void requestFocus()
This function can be used to ensure that the browser has focus.
void simulateTouchEvent(float x, float y)
This function can be used to simulate a touch event at the specified coordinates in the browser.
float getZoom()
This function can be used to return the current zoom.
void zoomIn()
This function can be used to increase the zoom.
void zoomOut()
This function can be used to decrease the zoom.
bool isBatteryPresent()
Detects whether the device has a battery or not.
bool isBatteryCharging()
Detects if the device battery is charging or not.
int getBatteryPercentage()
This function can be used to return the percentage of battery use available.
int getBatteryVoltage()
This function can be used to return the battery voltage (in millivolts).
string getBatteryState()
This function can be used to return the battery state.
string getBatteryHealth()
This function can be used to return the battery health.
int getBatteryDeviceStatus()
This function can be used to return the device status.
void logInfo(string msg)
This function can be used to log messages to Logcat Viewer as Info events using a tag of "KioWare".
void logInfo(string tag, string msg)
This function can be used to log tagged messages to Logcat Viewer as Info events.
void logWarn(string msg)
This function can be used to log messages to Logcat Viewer as Warning events using a tag of "KioWare".
void logWarn(string tag, string msg)
This function can be used to log tagged messages to Logcat Viewer as Warning events.
void logErr(string msg)
This function can be used to log messages to Logcat Viewer as Error events using a tag of "KioWare".
void logErr(string tag, string msg)
This function can be used to log tagged messages to Logcat Viewer as Error events.
void logDebug(string msg)
This function can be used to log messages to Logcat Viewer as Debug events using a tag of "KioWare".
void logDebug(string tag, string msg)
This function can be used to log tagged messages to Logcat Viewer as Debug events.
void logVerbose(string msg)
This function can be used to log messages to Logcat Viewer as Verbose events using a tag of "KioWare".
void logVerbose(string tag, string msg)
This function can be used to log tagged messages to Logcat Viewer as Verbose events.
void setAlarmVolume(int percentage)
This function can be used to set the alarm volume of the device.
void setDTMFVolume(int percentage)
This function can be used to set the DTMF volume (volume of button beeps) of the device.
void setMusicVolume(int percentage)
This function can be used to set the music volume (volume of button beeps) of the device.
void setNotificationVolume(int percentage)
This function can be used to set the notification volume of the device.
void setRingVolume(int percentage)
This function can be used to set the ring volume of the device.
void setSystemVolume(int percentage)
This function can be used to set the system volume of the device.
void setVoiceCallVolume(int percentage)
This function can be used to set the voice call volume of the device.
int getAlarmVolume()
This function can be used to return the alarm volume of the device.
int getDTMFVolume()
This function can be used to return the DTMF volume (volume of button beeps) of the device.
int getMusicVolume()
This function can be used to return the music volume of the device.
int getNotificationVolume()
This function can be used to return the notification volume of the device.
int getRingVolume()
This function can be used to return the ring volume of the device.
int getSystemVolume()
This function can be used to return the system volume of the device.
int getVoiceCallVolume()
This function can be used to return the voice call volume of the device.
void tryShowKeyboard()
This function can be used when attempting to display the keyboard.
void tryHideKeyboard()
This function can be used when attempting to hide the keyboard.
int getScreenBrightness()
Returns the screen brightness percent (0-100).
void setScreenBrightness(int percent)
Sets the screen brightness percent (from 0-100).
int getDefaultBrightness()
Returns the default screen brightness percent (0-100), or -1 if there is no default.
void showBrightnessDialog()
Shows a dialog that enables the user to choose the screen brightness level.
void triggerFauxEvent()
Triggers the fauxEvent function to simulate user interaction.
void fauxEvent()
This function will be called shortly after triggerFauxEvent is called.
bool isWifiEnabled()
Queries whether WiFi is currently enabled.
void setWifiEnabled(bool)
Sets the state of whether WiFi is enabled.
string getAvailableNetworks()
Retrieves a list of all available WiFi networks.
string getCurrentNetwork()
Retrieves information about the current network.
bool isCurrentNetworkConnected()
Returns whether the current wifi network is connnected.
int getWiFiStrength()
Get the strength of the connected WiFi.
int getConnectionType()
Get the type of network that is connected.
void connectToEnterpriseNetwork(string, string, string, WiFiEapMethod)
Attempts a connection to an enterprise network.
void connectToNetwork(string, string)
Attempts a connection to a specific WiFi network.
void connectToSavedNetwork(string, bool, bool)
Attempts a connection to a specific WiFi network that has been saved on the system.
bool isNetworkSaved(string)
Retrieves the status of whether a specific network is saved or not.
void forgetNetwork(string)
Removes the network with the given SSID from the list of saved networks.
bool killApp(string packageName)
Attempts to kill an app via its package name, and returns true on success.
int execute(String, boolean, int)
Executes a UNIX command
int executePath(String, String, boolean, int)
Executes a file path or shell script as a string
void setShowContextMenu(bool show)
Call this function (passing in false) in order to prevent the context menu from showing in the browser or tab that it's called from.
void doContentUpdate()
Overrides content update interval to start an update.
void abortContentUpdate()
Cancels the content update in progress.
void holdContentUpdate()
Pauses the current content update after downloading.
void resumeContentUpdate()
Resumes the current content update after downloading.

Page Callbacks

Type Signature
Callback onLongClick()
KioWare will call this function on your page (if it's there) when the user long clicks.
Callback onNetworkStatusChange(bool, bool, NetworkTypes, string)
This callback is fired whenever network status changes.
Callback onReceiveIcon(string, string)
This callback is fired whenever a favicon has been received as a result of a call to requestFavicon.
Callback onCommandOutput(int, string)
Line by line output of a command or script
Callback onCommandCompleted(int, int)
Called when the command or script is finished executing
Callback onCommandTerminated(int, string)
Called if a command or script is terminated before completion

Related Types

Type Signature
Class DeviceInfo
An object containing device-specific information about the current device.
Class Drive
An object containing information about an attached storage device.
Class Heartbeat
An object containing information about the most recent heartbeat.
Class LicenseInfo
An object containing licensing information for the device.
Class MonitoredDevice
An object containing status information about a device on the system that is being monitored.
Class NetInfo
An object containing information about a network that has been discovered by the WiFi adapter.
Enum NetworkTypes
A list of possible network types.
Enum WiFiEapMethods
A list of possible EAP authenication methods.