Class PowerStatus

Device status information.


Name Description
hostname string
The device hostname.
hardwareVersion string
The device hardware version.
serial string
The device serial number.
siteIps string[]
An array of sites to ping for connectivity testing.
connectStatuses int64[]
The connection status of each site IP.
siteLosses int[]
Losses from each site IP.
autoRebootStatus int
Non-zero, if auto reboot is enabled.
outletNames string[]
The names of each outlet.
outletStatuses int[]
The status of each outlet.
outletMethods int[]
The methods of each outlet.
ledStatuses int[]
The status of each outlet LED.
safeVoltageStatus int
0 means that the service is off, 1 means safe, and 2 means unsafe.
voltage double
The current voltage, in volts.
current double
The current load upon the unit, in amps.
power double
The current power level of the unit, in watts.