void setPortState(int, boolean )

Sets the output state on the specified pin.


Name Description
portInd int
The index of the pin being set.
on boolean
If true, output state set to on. If false output state set to off.


If portInd is an input pin, it will be converted to an output pin.


var GPIOdeviceInfo;							

function setPortOutput(port, output) {
	KioGPIOBoard.setPortState(port, output);

function onNumatoGPIOOpened(success) {
	if(success) {
		GPIOdeviceInfo = JSON.parse(KioGPIOBoard.getDeviceInfo());
		KioWareUtils.LogInfo('Firmware Version: ' + GPIOdeviceInfo.version + 'Device Id: ' + GPIOdeviceInfo.id);
		//Set last port output
		setPortOutput(31, true);
	else KioWareUtils.LogErr('GPIO device failed to open');


KioWare for Android version 3.22 or greater.