string getTextCommand(string text, bool slashedZero, bool underline, bool invertColor, bool emphasized, bool upperline, bool upsideDown, int heightExpansion, int widthExpansion, byte leftMargin, int alignment)

This function can be used to return a write text command.


Name Description
text Text to be printed.
slashedZero Boolean variable that tells the printer to slash zeroes.
underline Boolean variable that tells the printer to underline the text.
invertColor Boolean variable that tells the printer to invert text. All white space will become black but the characters will remain white.
emphasized Boolean variable that tells the printer to emphasize the printed text. Emphasizing is similar to boldfacing; it is not as dark, but is darker than normal characters.
upperline Boolean variable that tells the printer to place a line above the text (only supported by the newest printers).
upsideDown Boolean variable that tells the printer to print text upside down.
heightExpansion Integer that tells the printer what the character height should be, ranging from 0 to 5 and representing multiples from 1 to 6.
widthExpansion Integer that tells the printer what the character width should be, ranging from 0 to 5 and representing multiples from 1 to 6.
leftMargin Defines the left margin for text on Star portable printers (ranges from 0 to 65536). It is important to remember how much space is available, as the text can be pushed off the page.
alignment Defines the alignment of the text (left, right, or center justification).


A JSON byte array to use as a command.